Real Success Stories

Welcome to the heart of our FASTerWay To Fat Loss community – our reviews and testimonials. We're proud to showcase the transformative journeys of individuals just like you who have experienced incredible results with our program. These real success stories are a testament to the effectiveness and sustainability of FASTerWay To Fat Loss.

  • Submit for more info if you are looking for weight loss, improved energy levels, boosted confidence, and, most importantly, a newfound sense of well-being
  • Join us and be the next success story in our ever-growing community.
  • Start your journey towards a healthier, happier you.
Coaches Connecting

See the progress...

"Being uncomfortable is necessary to make a change happen. I was stuck in a tough place for a long time after I finally kicked it into gear postpartum. I felt as though I wouldn’t ever be able to get off of that treadmill of anxiety and exhaustion that I was facing with my diet and exercise regimen. That all changed for me after I found the FASTer Way. Not only have I completely gotten my health back on track, but my energy, happiness, and wellness are better than ever before! When I’m a healthier person, I’m a better wife, mother, and friend." - Jessie

386,383 Clients Lives Impacted

At FASTerWay To Fat Loss, we take immense pride in the 386,383 clients whose lives we've positively impacted. These remarkable individuals have embarked on their unique health and fitness journeys, achieving remarkable transformations and significant improvements in their well-being.

"I feel like a different person. I am stronger and happier than I was before. I know I have a long way to go but this program has supported me in ways I didn’t think were possible. Thank you Amanda Tress and all of the coaches. You and our team saved me." - Heidi

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The Connections of a Lifetime

"You are not just changing numbers on the scale, or helping people get a quick fix to get into a bikini. Your program is changing lives, and not just Nick and myself, but our children. We are now setting a positive example for them of what it means to take care of your body, as well as having family works outs which teaches them first hand that hard work will always pay off."
- Sheila