FASTer Way Blog

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Story Series: How One Woman Fired Up Her Metabolism to Burn Fat

In a world where weight gain and body frustrations can feel like an endless struggle, one woman's journey stands out as a beacon of hope and determination. Kristin Marr had always been active but, like many women, found herself gaining weight despite her healthy eating habits. That’s when she found the FASTer Way to Fat Loss and embraced new strategies, including eating more and working out less, along with adequate rest, to fire up her metabolism and burn fat while building muscle. Kristin's journey serves as a testament to the power of perseverance and the transformative potential of a science-backed approach to health and wellness.
FASTer Way to Fat Loss
April 23, 2024
5 min read

Answering Your Top Googled Questions About Becoming a FASTer Way Coach

If you've been intrigued by the FASTer Way to Fat Loss program and its incredible results, you may have found yourself wondering about the coaches who guide participants through this transformative journey. This article dives into the top questions people have about becoming a FASTer Way Certified Coach. Whether you're considering taking the leap yourself or simply curious to learn more, this blog post will provide valuable insights to help you understand this unique coaching opportunity.
FASTer Way to Fat Loss
April 17, 2024
5 min read

The Struggle with Belly Fat for Women Over 50: Proven Strategies to Conquer Stubborn Midsection Fat

As women enter their 50s and beyond, many find that stubborn belly fat becomes an increasingly frustrating issue. Carrying extra weight around the midsection not only affects confidence and body image, but it can also pose serious health risks. If you're a woman over 50 struggling to lose belly fat, you're certainly not alone. In fact, research shows that hormonal changes, loss of muscle mass, and lifestyle factors make it particularly challenging for older women to slim down their waistlines. In this comprehensive guide, we'll dive into the key reasons why belly fat accumulates more easily as women age. More importantly, we'll explore proven strategies that can help you finally conquer that stubborn midsection fat and achieve a slimmer, healthier physique - no matter your age. From nutrition and exercise tips to managing stress and sleep, you'll walk away with a roadmap for lasting results. By making a few strategic tweaks to your daily routine, women over 50 can absolutely reclaim a trim, toned tummy. Let's get started!
FASTer Way to Fat Loss
April 16, 2024
5 min read

How Can I Get Rid of My Apron Belly?

As we go through life, our bodies inevitably go through changes. One frustrating change that many women experience is the development of an "apron belly" - that loose, sagging skin and fat that practically lays on your thighs when you sit down. In this blog post, we'll dive into what exactly an apron belly is, the factors that contribute to it, and most importantly, provide you with tangible, actionable steps to regain a tighter, more toned midsection. Get ready to wave goodbye to that stubborn apron for good!
FASTer Way to Fat Loss
April 15, 2024
5 min read

How to Eat 130g of Protein a Day to Lose Belly Fat

As a busy working mom, it can feel like an impossible task to juggle your career, family responsibilities, and personal health and fitness goals. One of the key nutritional targets that often falls by the wayside is getting enough high-quality protein. In this blog post, we'll dive into how a busy working mom can hit 130g of dairy-free, gluten-free protein per day through strategic meal planning and snack choices. We'll also explore the important role protein plays in supporting fat loss, especially around the midsection. Plus, offer ideas to reach your protein goals with a little bit of meal prep.
FASTer Way to Fat Loss
April 8, 2024
5 min read

How Protein Before and After a Workout Boosts Results

Proper nutrition is key to achieving your fitness goals and supporting an active lifestyle. Whether you're squeezing in a morning workout or hitting the gym after work, fueling your body with the right nutrients before and after exercise is essential for energy, performance, and recovery. This guide explores delicious gluten-free and dairy-free meal options packed with lean protein to power you through your workouts and replenish depleted muscles. We'll also share an easy, high protein chickpea flour omelet recipe that's sure to become a post-workout favorite. Get ready to fuel your fitness journey with nutritious, satisfying foods that will help you crush your goals!
FASTer Way to Fat Loss
April 2, 2024
5 min read

Quick Exercises to Work Your Core (FREE WORKOUT)

Belly fat seems to get all of us at one time or another. If you're looking for a quick exercise that you can do anywhere, even at the office, check out these exercises from the FASTer Way to Fat Loss that target the core so you feel the burn and blast that belly fat!
FASTer Way to at Loss
April 1, 2024
5 min read

Why It's Harder for Women than Men to Lose Belly Fat and Get Toned Abs

For many women, stubborn belly fat can be an incredibly frustrating battle. There are several factors that make it more challenging for women to lose excess abdominal fat compared to men. In this blog post, we'll explore the key physiological and hormonal reasons behind the female belly fat struggle, along with three effective strategies women can use to help combat it. We'll also share a delicious, belly fat-blasting recipe to fuel your journey.
FASTer Way to Fat Loss
March 29, 2024
5 min read

You Have Abs, You Just Can't See Them (We Can Fix That!)

We've all been there - busting our butts with endless crunches and planks, yet still not seeing those elusive ab lines. The truth is, you probably already have a sculpted's just trapped under a layer of persistent belly fat. This post dives into the anatomy of your abdominal muscles and the science behind why they can remain obscured, even after building them with core training. You'll learn how strategic nutrition creates the calorie deficit to finally burn off that stubborn fat layer and unveil your chiseled abs. Ditch the frustration and embrace a sustainable approach to lasting abdominal definition.
FASTer Way to Fat Loss
March 29, 2024
5 min read

Why, Oh Why is it Soooo Hard to Lose Belly Fat?!

While there's no such thing as "spot reduction" to melt belly fat away with certain moves, incorporating the right mix of exercise can provide a powerful boost in your overall fat loss efforts. This blog post will detail the most effective exercises for blasting stubborn belly fat, including high-intensity interval training (HIIT), metabolic resistance training, and core-specific movements. You'll learn how building muscle helps reduce belly fat over time and why your hard-earned muscle may be hidden under fat initially.
FASTer Way to Fat Loss
March 28, 2024
5 min read

The Benefits of Collagen: How Much You Need and How to Use It

Who doesn't want glowing skin, strong nails and a mane of hair that's shiny and full? Problem is, sometimes we need a little support to get the nutrients we need to help this happen. And, as we age we lose something called collagen which supports these attributes. That's why a collagen supplement can be beneficial. Read on to find out more.
FASTer Way to Fat Loss
March 27, 2024
5 min read

The Workout Program You Need to Build Muscle and Burn Fat

Losing fat and building lean muscle seems like the "holy grail" of fitness goals for many women. While difficult, it's absolutely attainable if you adopt the right workout strategies and nutrition habits. If you're ready to finally start building muscle while shedding unwanted pounds of fat, keep reading. In this article, I'll outline exactly what your workouts and nutrition should look like for incredible body recomposition results. It's the closest thing to exercise and diet "hacks" for getting lean and muscular simultaneously.
FASTer Way to Fat Loss
March 26, 2024
5 min read

Story Series: Just Six Weeks to Physical and Mental Lifelong Changes

It's hard to escape a time in life when you don't need to, have to, want to lose a little extra weight. 5, 10, 15 pounds, it's a common desire for many women. What if you can make it happen in just six weeks and make a complete mental transformation too? What if it's more than just the pounds? Read Victoria's story to hear what she experienced in the FASTer Way to Fat Loss.
FASTer Way to Fat Loss
March 25, 2024
5 min read

If You Only have ONE Day to Workout, Do This Exercise Routine

Get the most out of your limited workout time with total body routines. Hitting every muscle group in one session maximizes growth hormone release and calorie burn. Learn the benefits and program better with this efficient training approach.
FASTer Way to Fat Loss
March 23, 2024
5 min read

Story Series: From Emotional Eating to Total Transformation

Like many women, Andrea Hammond had simply gotten off track. A series of life events and holidays completely derailed her health and fitness. But, she took a long, hard look at herself and knew what had to happen to turn things around. Now, Andrea's experienced so much more than physical transformation; she's learned how to control her emotional eating habits and learned to love herself.
FASTer Way to Fat Loss
March 23, 2024
5 min read

You Don't Need a Lot of Cardio to Lose Belly Fat

You've been lied to. Told that if you just do enough cardio, you'll burn fat, get ripped, and achieve the shredded physique you've always wanted. But no matter how much treadmill time you log, your abs still remain obscured under that stubborn layer of fat. And if you're honest, you feel like you're actually losing muscle despite all those hours of cardio. Excessive steady-state cardio actually wrecks your metabolism and sabotages muscle growth. Here's why.
FASTer Way to Fat Loss
March 22, 2024
5 min read

We're Not Buying into the New So-Called Intermittent Fasting Study and Neither Should You

Intermittent fasting has been taking the health and fitness world by storm in recent years, with more and more people embracing this strategic approach to optimize their metabolism, burn fat, and achieve lasting transformations. However, a recent study shared by the American Heart Association has caused a stir by raising concerns about the potential risks associated with intermittent fasting practices. In a bold move, Amanda Tress, founder and CEO of the global FASTer Way to Fat Loss movement, is calling out this study and defending the scientifically-validated principles of strategic intermittent fasting protocols.
FASTer Way to Fat Loss
March 21, 2024
5 min read

Unlock Your Ultimate Potential with the FASTer Way Concierge Program

If you're ready to take your health and fitness goals to the next level, the FASTer Way Concierge program could be your golden ticket. This premium offering from Amanda Tress and the FASTer Way team provides an all-inclusive, personalized experience tailored just for you and your individual needs.
FASTer Way to Fat Loss
March 19, 2024
5 min read

Why Hydrobeef is the Superior Choice for Protein Supplements

When it comes to protein supplements, not all protein sources are created equal. While whey and plant-based proteins like soy and pea get a lot of attention, there's another option that deserves serious consideration - hydrolyzed beef protein, also known as hydrobeef. Here's a look at what makes hydrobeef so exceptional.
FASTer Way to Fat Loss
March 18, 2024
5 min read

Why High Quality Protein Matters

If you're trying to build lean muscle and lose fat, protein is key. And while it's best to get your protein needs from whole food nutrition, sometimes that's just not possible, for all kinds of reasons. That's where supplements come in, but choosing the right one matters. A high-quality protein like the FASTer Way to Fat Loss is necessary if you want to see the results you're chasing.
FASTer Way to Fat Loss
March 16, 2024
5 min read

Protein and Collagen: Why You Need Both

When it comes to proteins, not all are created equal. While they are all made up of amino acid building blocks, different types of proteins have distinct structures and properties. Two varieties you may have heard about are protein and collagen protein. But what exactly is the difference between them?
March 15, 2024
5 min read

How Becoming a FASTer Way Coach Can Change Your Life and the Millionaire Masterclass You Need to Be Successful

Are you passionate about health and fitness? Do you want a career that allows you to inspire others while being your own boss? Becoming a certified FASTer Way to Fat Loss coach could be the life-changing opportunity you've been searching for.‍We've witnessed firsthand how the FASTer Way to Fat Loss program transforms lives - both for the clients and the coaches. By leveraging this powerful program and business system, you can turn your passion into a profitable career that makes a real difference. This blog post is based off one of the internet's most popular blog posts on this subject written by Emily Copeland.
FASTer Way to Fat Loss
March 13, 2024
5 min read

Get Your Fitness Fuel: Load Up on Protein When You Break Your Fast

Starting your day with a high-protein, gluten-free, dairy-free breakfast is a great way to fuel your fitness routine and active lifestyle. Consuming at least 30 grams of protein in the morning can help active women meet the increased daily protein recommendations for building lean muscle, burning fat, and accelerating post-workout recovery. By frontloading 25-35% of your total protein target at breakfast, you provide your body with the essential amino acids it needs to repair muscles, sustain energy levels, and reach your fitness goals. In this article, learn exactly how much protein active women and athletes need daily, why it's so critical for workout recovery and performance, and find easy gluten-free, dairy-free breakfast recipes and ideas to help you get 30 grams of protein to start your day strong.
FASTer Way to Fat Loss
February 8, 2024
5 min read

How Creatine Helps Build Muscle and Prevent Loss As You Age

It's common knowledge that building muscle becomes more difficult as we get older, starting around age 30. Proper strength training and nutrition can help counteract this natural age-related muscle loss known as sarcopenia. One supplement that research shows can support muscle growth in older adults when paired with exercise is creatine. This post will dive into the science-backed mechanisms and benefits of creatine for building lean muscle mass, increasing strength, and reducing fatigue - especially important for adults over 50.
FASTer Way to Fat Loss
February 2, 2024
5 min read

Power Duo: Protein and Creatine

For anyone looking to gain strength and build muscle, teaming up protein and creatine supplements is a winning strategy. Protein provides the essential amino acids for muscle growth while creatine boosts strength and power output. Together this dynamic duo synergistically takes your training results to new heights. Keep reading to learn how combining protein and creatine can help you power up your workouts, maximize muscle gains and take your training to the next level.
FASTer Way to Fat Loss
January 31, 2024
5 min read

The Benefits of Creatine for Strength and Muscle Growth

Creatine has become one of the most popular sports supplements over the past few decades, and for good reason. This naturally occurring compound has been extensively studied and shown to provide significant benefits for building strength and muscle mass. However, creatine's reputation hasn't always been so positive. When it first rose to prominence in the 1990s, concerns swirled about its safety and side effects. Fortunately, decades of continued research have dismissed those early fears. We now know creatine is one of the most effective and well-tolerated supplements available when taken as recommended. This article will explore the many benefits of creatine supplementation, its safety profile, and why it has stood the test of time as a staple for athletes and fitness enthusiasts. Whether you want to boost performance in the gym or realize cognitive benefits, creatine has a versatile range of evidence-backed uses.
FASTer Way to Fat Loss
January 30, 2024
5 min read

Separating Fact from Fiction: The Truth About Common Creatine Myths

Creatine is one of the most popular sports supplements on the market. But, if you’ve ever looked into taking it, you’ve probably come across all kinds of myths and misconceptions about what creatine can and can’t do. Some of these creatine myths have a grain of truth to them, while others are completely false. Let’s explore some of those and shed light on proven facts as FASTer Way to Fat Loss launches its first Creatine supplement.
FASTer Way to Fat Loss
January 23, 2024
5 min read

A Mom's Health Coaching Side Hustle That Paid for Dream Vacations

When Emily Ogan became a certified FASTer Way to Fat Loss coach two years ago, she was hoping to make enough to cover the cost of the certification and maybe buy herself some cute workout clothes. She never imagined that within a couple years, her health coaching business would be funding dream vacations for her family of five.
FASTer Way to Fat Loss
January 22, 2024
5 min read

Story Series: Young Mom Thrives After Cancer

In March 2023, Lisa received a devastating cervical cancer diagnosis just months after having a baby. She underwent intense treatments that prematurely sent her into menopause, an unanticipated transition. Sharing her story on Instagram, Lisa found encouragement and empowered others facing adversity. Through the FASTer Way to Fat Loss program, she experienced relief from menopausal symptoms. Lisa continues coaching clients to reach fitness goals despite life's curveballs. Her journey proves that no matter the challenges faced, we have the power to overcome.
FASTer Way to Fat Loss
January 19, 2024
5 min read

Build a Better Booty the FASTer Way

Are you looking to build a better booty? Look no further! Let's explore the best exercises and nutrition tips to help you achieve your goals. From squats to lunges to deadlifts, we’ll cover all the exercises you need to know to sculpt your glutes. We’ll also discuss the importance of proper nutrition and hydration to fuel your workouts and maximize your results. So grab your water bottle and let’s get started on building a bootylicious backside!
FASTer Way to Fat Loss
January 19, 2024
5 min read

The Strength and Muscle-Building Benefits of Creatine

Creatine is one of the most well-researched and effective supplements available today for improving exercise performance and increasing lean muscle mass. In this post, we’ll dive into what creatine is, how it works in the body, as well as the extensive benefits it provides for muscle growth, strength gains, and even brain health. Let’s explore why creatine has stood the test of time as a safe and legal supplement that gets results!
FASTer Way to Fat Loss
January 17, 2024
5 min read

The FASTer Way: Fuel Your Workouts with High Protein Snacks (with RECIPE!)

If you're a woman trying to get stronger, leaner and maximize the results of your workouts, protein should be on your radar. Consuming adequate protein is essential for building and maintaining muscle mass. But are you fueling your fitness properly with nutrient-dense, high protein snacks? Getting enough protein throughout your day, especially around workouts, provides your muscles with the necessary amino acids to repair and grow. Let's look at why protein is so important for women, how much you need daily, and easy high protein snack ideas to promote workout recovery and support your health goals.
FASTer Way to Fat Loss
January 13, 2024
5 min read

National Quitter's Day: How to Beat the Odds and Not Give Up

Go ahead and raise your hand if you've already thrown in the towel on your 2024 health and fitness resolutions. Yep, we see you over there - and you're not alone! Even though it's only January 11th, research shows most people have already quit on their New Year's goals. Well, we're here to tell you to dust yourself off and get back in the game! There's still time to make this year your healthiest and fittest ever...
FASTer Way to Fat Loss
January 12, 2024
5 min read

Story Series: One Mom's 50 Pound Weight Loss Journey

Losing a few pounds is one thing, losing over 50 is something else. For women facing this journey, it can be hard to even get started. Fear of the gym. Fear of the food. Fear of failing. Again. But Quincy Burgess figured it out when she joined the FASTer Way to Fat Loss and her story isn't just about how she overcame weight, but she also overcame grief. If you have more than 50 pounds to lose, this one's for you.
FASTer Way to Fat Loss
January 11, 2024
5 min read

FASTer Way Meal Planning Like a Pro (Includes FREE Recipe!)

Amidst the chaos of modern life, finding time to plan and prep healthy meals often falls by the wayside. Between jam-packed work schedules, family demands, and other responsibilities, sitting down to map out nutritious dishes can seem like just another daunting task. But incorporating a few simple strategies into your routine can transform meal planning and preparation from a chore into an easy, time-saving habit. Whether your goals include improving your diet, managing a busy calendar, or saving money, mastering the art of meal prep is a total game-changer.
FASTer Way to Fat Loss
January 10, 2024
5 min read

FASTer Way Coach Loren Mattingly: From Loan to Millionaire

The FASTer Way to Fat Loss Coach Certification opportunity is truly lifechanging. Just ask Loren Mattingly, who had a humble start, even taking out a loan to pay for the courses, but grew her personal coaching business to the top one in the company and joined the millionaire club in a few short years. Loren's blessings to her family and her community far surpassed what she thought she could do and she's sharing her story to inspire others to take the leap, trust their gut, and step out in fear knowing what's on the horizon. If you're thinking about becoming a coach, or just want to know more, read her story.
FASTer Way to Fat Loss
January 9, 2024
5 min read

The FASTer Way to Fat Loss Wants You to Eat Carbs and Fat - Yes, We Said It

If you've ever tried cutting out carbs or going low-fat to lose weight, listen up. The FASTer Way to Fat Loss actually encourages eating quality carbohydrates and fats as part of a balanced diet. Surprised? Many are, given the popularity of low-carb and fat-free diet fads over the years. But stick with us here.
FASTer Way to Fat Loss
January 5, 2024
5 min read

Reclaim Your Health: Losing Weight and Revitalizing Energy in Midlife

Many women find that reaching their 40s and 50s brings unwelcome surprises like weight gain, fatigue, and emotional ups and downs. But it doesn't have to stay that way! The FASTer Way to Fat Loss program understands and targets the unique needs of women in perimenopause and menopause. Read on to learn how we can help you reclaim your health during this transition.
December 31, 2023
5 min read

Sweat Smarter, Not Longer: Why 30 Minutes is All You Need to Transform Your Body

We've all heard that to lose weight, you need to commit to endless hours of monotonous cardio. But the latest science reveals that shorter, high-intensity workouts can be even more effective for fat loss. Read on to learn why just 30 minutes is all it takes to ignite your metabolism and sculpt the body of your dreams. We live in a busy world where finding time to exercise can feel next to impossible. The idea persists that hour-long cardio sessions are required for weight loss. However, research shows that intense full-body workouts condensed into just 30 minutes can burn more calories and transform your body faster. Not only do these efficient sweat sessions save precious time, but they can also boost your metabolism for accelerated fat loss after you towel off. That’s why programs like the FASTer Way to Fat Loss strategically pack results-driven, time-saving workouts into 30 minutes of muscle-building, calorie-scorching moves.
FASTer Way to Fat Loss
December 30, 2023
5 min read

Rock Your Resolutions: How to Set Health Goals That Stick

The turning of the calendar is an opportunity for renewal and fresh starts. As we move into 2023, many will set ambitious health goals aimed at becoming healthier versions of themselves – slimmer, fitter, radiating a glow. However, motivation often fades quickly, leading to abandoned goals and disappointment. This year can be different with the right mindset and evidence-backed strategies. Read on for proven tips to set achievable health goals that will actually stick.
FASTer Way to Fat Loss
December 29, 2023
5 min read

From Frustrated to Fit Over 40

Losing weight can become increasingly difficult for women as they reach their 40s. Despite consistent exercise and nutritious eating, many find it a challenge to lose those stubborn extra pounds, leading to feelings of frustration. However, significant and lasting weight loss in your 40s is absolutely possible with the right approach. In just 12 months, you can completely transform your body at midlife through sustainable lifestyle modifications rather than temporary quick fixes. This post will share proven strategies that have helped women over 40 break through plateaus to achieve the fit, healthy bodies they deserve. No more yo-yo dieting or exhausting yourself with no results. If you're a 40-something woman struggling to lose weight, read on to learn how small, maintainable changes in your mindset and habits can help you finally reach your goals and feel confident in your skin again. Lasting change won't happen overnight, but with commitment and patience, you can get there.
FASTer Way to Fat Loss
December 27, 2023
5 min read

Tips and Tricks to Document Your FASTer Way Journey

Follow these strategic before and after photoshoot tips in clothing choices, flattering angles, ideal lighting and thoughtful posing for properly documenting your transformative achievements through the FASTer Way to Fat Loss program each week.
FASTer Way to Fat Loss
December 22, 2023
5 min read

Story Series: The Best Success Stories of 2023

The start of a new year is the perfect time to commit to health goals and make positive changes in our lives. For those looking to transform their bodies, the Faster Way to Fat Loss program provides an ideal structured plan to lose fat quickly while gaining muscle strength. The program has already helped nearly 400,000 people achieve remarkable success. In this blog post, we highlight incredible body transformation stories from clients. We share the background, commitment, and keys to success from three participants who shed significant weight and sculpted impressive physiques. By featuring these real-world examples, we want to motivate and embolden you to make 2024 your year of positive change. Commit to fitness resolutions with confidence and use these stories as fuel to fire up your own transformative journey. 
December 20, 2023
5 min read

Becoming a Brand Partner: Your All-In-One-Guide

Have you ever considered becoming a brand ambassador? Many companies, like the FASTer Way, are recruiting brand ambassadors to help promote their products, services and mission. Working with the FASTer Way Partner Program can be an extremely rewarding endeavor for those who are aligned authentically with our values and interests.
FASTer Way to Fat Loss
December 19, 2023
5 min read

Story Series: The Best of 2023's FASTer Way to Fat Loss Transformations

The start of a new year is the perfect time to commit to health goals and make positive changes in our lives. For those looking to transform their bodies, the Faster Way to Fat Loss program provides an ideal structured plan to lose fat quickly while gaining muscle strength. The program has already helped many achieve remarkable success. In this blog post, we highlight incredible FWFL body transformation stories from the past year. We share the background, commitment, and keys to success from three participants who shed significant weight and sculpted impressive physiques. By featuring these real-world examples, we want to motivate and embolden you to make 2024 your year of positive change. Commit to fitness resolutions with confidence and use these stories as fuel to fire up your own transformative journey.
FASTer Way to Fat Loss
December 14, 2023
5 min read

Finding Motivation in Others' Wins: Using Transformations as Inspiration

If you're looking for inspiration on your health and fitness journey, look no further than the incredible before-and-after transformation photos so many share. Learn how to harness that inspirational power.
FASTer Way to Fat Loss
December 12, 2023
5 min read

Fueling Transformation: The Power of Generosity and Gratitude in the FASTer Way to Fat Loss

In the dynamic journey of the FASTer Way to Fat Loss, where physical well-being is intricately woven with holistic lifestyle choices, there are two potent forces that stand out—generosity and gratitude. These qualities are not just supportive elements; they are catalysts that fuel the transformative process, shaping not only bodies but hearts and minds.
December 11, 2023
5 min read
FASTer Way To Fat Loss

The Power of Personalized Coaching for Fitness Success

Regardless if you're hoping to drop excess fat, sculpt lean muscle or hit a new performance PR, having a knowledgeable coach by your side hugely amplifies your potential for success.
December 6, 2023
5 min read
FASTer Way To Fat Loss

What Exactly Is a FASTer Way Workout?

The FASTer Way workouts are quick, effective and led and developed by CEO and founder Amanda Tress along with her team of highly experienced and licensed pro trainers. You won’t spend hours in the gym, or day after day doing a ho hum workout; you will get variety with just the right amount of cardio, paired with strength training and active recovery and rest days that elevate muscle building and performance.
FASTer Way to Fat Loss
December 5, 2023
5 min read
FASTer Way To Fat Loss

Unlocking Your Full Potential: The Power of Branch Chain Amino Acids in Health and Fitness

In the quest to reach health and fitness goals, understanding the role of Branch Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs) can be a game-changer. These essential amino acids play a crucial role in supporting your fat loss journey, aiding in muscle development, energy production, and recovery.
December 3, 2023
5 min read

Beware the Sweet Disguise: Hidden Sugars Are No Treat!

Discover the ultimate guide to spotting hidden sugars that could be haunting your health. Learn which natural sugars align with the FASTer Way to Fat Loss program, and make informed choices for lifelong wellness.
October 17, 2023
5 min read
Workout Tips

Top Fitness Myths That Are Stopping Your Success

Busting the Top Fitness Myths: What You Need to Know for Real Results
September 20, 2023
5 min read
Recipes and Nutrition

3 Gluten-Free Bread Recipes You Can Make At Home

If you’re new to the FASTer Way, we promote gluten-free and dairy-free foods in our meal plans and guides. We do this because those foods have been shown to cause inflammation in the body and prevent you from seeing the results you want.
September 20, 2023
5 min read
Recipes and Nutrition

4 Fun And Easy Recipes To Make With Your Kids

We know this time of quarantine is an adjustment for everyone-- including our kids! Juggling working from home, keeping the kids busy, AND preparing meals can be quite the balancing act!
September 20, 2023
5 min read
Recipes and Nutrition

5 Easy + Healthy Recipes For Successful Meal Prep

Need some meal prep inspiration or ideas for healthy recipes to try? We’ve got you! Meal prep is a GREAT way to plan ahead, save time and make sure you get all those macros in for the day.
September 20, 2023
5 min read
Recipes and Nutrition

Simple 5-Ingredient Recipes For Your Family!

Are you short on supplies and looking for some simple recipes to satisfy your family? Odds are, your grocery store might be out of the ingredients you need to make the FASTer Way meal plan recipes. We definitely understand, we’ve been there in the last couple of weeks, too!
September 20, 2023
5 min read
Workout Tips

5 Tips For Teachers Intermittent Fasting During The Summer Break

Teachers are being asked to do more than ever right now. Even when class is not truly in session due to COVID-19, you are being asked to restructure entire curriculums during a global pandemic to fulfill the education needs of your students to finish out the year...
September 19, 2023
5 min read
Recipes and Nutrition

Three Ways People Get Intermittent Fasting Wrong (And Why You Shouldn't Try It On Your Own)

The health benefits of intermittent fasting are clear: fat burning, improved immune function, and increased energy. However, these benefits (and more!) only happen when intermittent fasting is utilized correctly. Learn the three ways people get intermittent fasting wrong and why you shouldn’t try it on your own.
September 19, 2023
5 min read
Recipes and Nutrition

How Intermittent Fasting Improves Immunity

We are living in a critical time for our health and safety and that of our families. The coronavirus (which causes the illness COVID-19) is the main buzz right now and it’s plaguing communities, governments, and nations with fear as it continues to spread. Stay safe (and worry less!) by learning how intermittent fasting improves immunity!
September 19, 2023
5 min read
Recipes and Nutrition

Why Low Carb Days Are Crucial For Fat Loss

Carb Cycling is a simple strategy that’s quickly gaining popularity in the health and fitness world because it’s simple to do and gives big results withOUT depressing the metabolism or compromising nutrient intake.
September 19, 2023
5 min read
Recipes and Nutrition

Why I Count Macros Instead Of Calories

Intermittent fasting and carb cycling are the foundation of the FASTer Way to Fat Loss, however, there is another key component to the best program on the market—macronutrient tracking and timing!
September 19, 2023
5 min read
Recipes and Nutrition

Carb Cycling Made Simple

Countless women have come to the FASTer Way after being (wrongly) convinced that carbohydrates were the enemy. They drastically restricted calories, spent too much time on cardio, and eliminated carbs.
September 19, 2023
5 min read
Recipes and Nutrition

Why Low Carb Days Are Crucial For Fat Loss

The FASTer Way to Fat Loss isn’t just built on intermittent fasting, strategic workouts, and whole food nutrition, it’s also built on carb cycling. Carb cycling is a variation of carb intake throughout the week, which is a powerful way to burn fat!
September 19, 2023
5 min read
Recipes and Nutrition

Carb Cycling And Intermittent Fasting FAQ's

To say that intermittent fasting and carb cycling have changed my life would be an extreme understatement. These nutritional strategies have helped me—and more than 100,000 clients—burn fat and increase energy in a truly amazing way!
September 19, 2023
5 min read
Workout Tips

How To Become A Pro-Fat Burner

You’ve probably heard me talk about becoming a fat burner as opposed to a sugar burner. In fact, this is something that is slowly creeping its way into the fitness industry, as more and more research is being done on how to effectively lose fat in a healthy way.
September 19, 2023
5 min read
Workout Tips

Why Community Matters

More and more, we’re recognizing that communities are powerful places that help people feel a sense of belonging, provide support, and even help us reach our goals more successfully. If you’ve wondered why community matters, the research is in—it’s better for everyone!
September 19, 2023
5 min read
Recipes and Nutrition

3 Immune-Boosting Recipes To Keep You Healthy

By now you know the FASTer Way philosophy is about preventing disease, not just reacting to conditions in the world. It’s a lifestyle that includes exercising, giving your body plenty of rest and eating nutritious whole foods...
September 19, 2023
5 min read
Recipes and Nutrition

The Ultimate Guide To Building A Macro-Friendly Bowl

Isn’t everything better in a bowl? We think so too!
September 19, 2023
5 min read
Recipes and Nutrition

No-Bake Snacks To Make With Your Kids

We’re always on the lookout for simple, creative recipes to make with our kiddos.
September 19, 2023
5 min read
Recipes and Nutrition

Healthy + Fun Recipes Your Kids Will Love

Since we have all been home more than usual lately, we’re looking for creative and simple ways to keep our kiddos active and engaged. Parents, do you need something to add to your child’s daily rotation of playing outside, homework, crafts, and screen time? Look no further! We’ve got your back with easy and healthy kid-friendly recipes for you to create with your kiddos!
September 19, 2023
5 min read
Workout Tips

Top Fitness Trends In 2023

Want to know what fitness trends you SHOULD be paying attention to? We’re here to clear up the mysteries and give you all the juicy details on what's fact or fake when it comes to elevating your overall health and wellness! Keep reading to learn the top fitness trends of the new year so you know where to wisely put your fitness efforts in 2023!
September 18, 2023
5 min read
FASTer Way To Fat Loss

Melt Your Middle: Debunking The Myths

Melting Your Middle: Debunking The Myths
September 18, 2023
5 min read
Recipes and Nutrition

How Dieting Hurts Wellness

Dieting for Fat Loss: Why It's Bad for Your Overall Wellness
September 18, 2023
5 min read
FASTer Way To Fat Loss

How to Start and Scale An Online Wellness Business (Cert CTA)

Do you feel like you have untapped potential? Do you have a passion for fitness and a desire to share it with others on a much larger scale? Are you ready to change people’s lives while making a significant income? At The FASTer Way to Fat Loss, we give you the tools and resources to find your ideal clients and create a successful online wellness business for years to come.
September 18, 2023
5 min read
Recipes and Nutrition

Macro Tracking VS Calorie Counting For Fat Loss

Are you tired of doing “all the right things” and still seeing little to no progress? Is the strictness of an unyielding diet causing you to lose faith or passion in your healthy lifestyle efforts? These are classic frustrations when it comes to many individuals’ fat loss journey, and your team at the FASTer Way to Fat Loss is here to help with macro tracking!
September 18, 2023
5 min read
Workout Tips

The 5 Foundations of Postpartum Fat Loss

Congrats, mama! You made it through pregnancy and delivery and are now in a whole new phase - postpartum! We know what a special and sometimes fragile time this is as you and baby figure out life together.
September 18, 2023
5 min read
Workout Tips

The Secrets To Burning Fat Over 50

Does your mood feel as if it’s going haywire after reaching the golden age of 50? Do stairs seem a bit steeper and your joints weaker? Fat loss harder than ever?
September 18, 2023
5 min read
FASTer Way To Fat Loss

Faster Way Giving Tuesday

This year, the FASTer Way to Fat Loss team has been strengthened by our spirit of service.
September 18, 2023
5 min read
Recipes and Nutrition

Don't Make These Top 3 Intermittent Fasting Mistakes

Intermittent Fasting gets lots of attention in the media, and more people are trying it on their own—but making mistakes that can actually do more harm than good. Learn the three most common mistakes of Intermittent Fasting and how to avoid them!
September 18, 2023
5 min read
FASTer Way To Fat Loss

The Faster Way Makes The Inc. 500 List Again!

It’s with great excitement and gratitude that we bring you this announcement… The FASTer Way has proudly made the Inc. 500 list yet again this year!
September 18, 2023
5 min read
FASTer Way To Fat Loss

The Birth Story of Tyler Howard Tress: Part One

The Birth Story of Tyler Howard Tress: Part ONE — Preparing for Labor and Delivery
September 18, 2023
5 min read
FASTer Way To Fat Loss

The Birth Story of Tyler Howard Tress: Part Two

Part TWO: Welcoming Baby Tyler into the World.
September 18, 2023
5 min read
Workout Tips

Fat Loss Over 50 is Possible - Watch This Video To Learn How!

What comes to mind when you think about fat loss over 50? Maybe you think it’s a lost cause. Maybe you’re so frustrated that you’ve given up hope. Maybe you’re trying to eat less and less and only feeling worse and worse.
September 18, 2023
5 min read
Workout Tips

How To Lose Fat After 50

Even before you reach 50, you’ll likely hear about what a struggle it is to stay fit and keep fat off once 50 hits! There’s much to celebrate about turning 50 and ringing in each year thereafter - but the truth is, it CAN be harder to shed those extra layers and feel strong and energized during this life stage. But you don’t have to live by those rules!
September 18, 2023
5 min read
Workout Tips

If You're A Mom, Stop Doing These 4 Things To Lose Fat

As a mom, you’re a day-to-day miracle worker and world changer who burns the candle at both ends. But, with everything you manage, you still want to...
September 18, 2023
5 min read
Workout Tips

Top Tips On Making Health And Fitness A Priority When You're A Busy Mom

You live a busy life – shuttling kids back and forth between home, social events, school, and a long list of other commitments. As a mom, it may seem like there is no time to exercise, or that you have no choice but to grab the fast food option instead of a healthy meal.
September 18, 2023
5 min read
Workout Tips

Why You Need To Grow Those Glutes

Your glutes do a lot more than just hang out on your backside! If you enjoy walking, running, jumping, or simply rotating your hips, you can thank your glutes! So, training your booty goes far beyond just having a nice behind. In fact, having strong glutes is a key component to your body’s ability to perform at a high level.
September 18, 2023
5 min read
Workout Tips

Carbohydrates: Your Muscle Building Must-Have

Have you been told that to lose weight and build muscle you need to DECREASE your carbohydrate intake and INCREASE your protein? While proper protein intake is key for muscle growth, decreasing carbs can set you back! Both carbohydrates and protein are nutrients that play important roles in body composition...
September 18, 2023
5 min read
Workout Tips

Top Exercises to Sculpt Your Arms and Build Upper Body Strength

Have you ever felt the strain of your computer bag over your shoulder? Or maybe it’s becoming a struggle to pick up and hold your child? Perhaps your grip gives out when carrying all of the groceries! Upper body strength plays an important role in so many of our everyday activities!
September 18, 2023
5 min read
Workout Tips

Intermittent Fasting: What It Is, And How It Works

Intermittent Fasting has quickly become one of the most popular trends in health and fitness. It has risen in popularity in recent years as people have used it as a simple strategy to burn fat, lose weight, and anchor an overall healthy lifestyle...
September 18, 2023
5 min read
Workout Tips

Top 4 Reasons Glutes Matter!

The Importance of Strong Glutes: More Than Just a Firm Backside
September 17, 2023
5 min read
FASTer Way To Fat Loss

Community: The Missing Component To Your Health

Bringing People Together With Fitness
September 17, 2023
5 min read
Recipes and Nutrition

Why Superfood Smoothies Matter

Supporting Your Health, Deliciously!
September 17, 2023
5 min read
Recipes and Nutrition

Nutrition Needs: Find Yours At Any Age

How Nutrition Needs Change As We Age
September 17, 2023
5 min read
FASTer Way To Fat Loss

Transform Your Fitness Business: Expand Online

Get Your In-person Fitness Business Online!
September 17, 2023
5 min read
FASTer Way To Fat Loss

Registered Dietician Nutritionist (RDN): Elevate Your Eating

How A Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN) Is The Key To Healthy Eating
September 17, 2023
5 min read
Recipes and Nutrition

Eating For Your Body: The Benefits Of A Gluten-Free And Dairy-Free Diet

How Gluten-Free (GF) And Dairy-Free (DF) Foods Support Your Wellness
September 17, 2023
5 min read
Recipes and Nutrition

Protein Supplement Powder: How To Guide

Protein Supplement Powder: Benefits and Most Common Uses
September 17, 2023
5 min read
FASTer Way To Fat Loss

Melting Your Middle: Beyond Looks

How Core Strength Benefits Whole Body Wellness
September 17, 2023
5 min read
Workout Tips

Superset Training 101

Superset Training: A Guide to the Basic Format and Benefits
September 17, 2023
5 min read